Prestigious Rangel Fellowship launches alumna toward foreign diplomacy

by Matt Overing

Centre College News
Mary Kamikazi '21 received the Rangel Fellowship.

One recent graduate earns the Rangel Fellowship, 对外交事务和外交感兴趣的个人获得的高度竞争的奖项.


A native of Burundi, 神风子充分利用了每一个机会——从她作为非洲难民的生活经历到沉浸在大学生活和作为邦纳bwin体育的服务中, 到在通用电气和亚马逊的后bwin体育领导经验. Now, 她将从一家公司的职位上跳槽,成为中央学院有史以来第一位兰格尔奖学金获得者.

兰格尔奖学金将支持神风敢死队在与外交服务相关的领域获得两年制硕士学位, providing extensive professional development opportunity, internships, mentors and skills training. As part of the program, 今年夏天,神风子将为一名国会议员工作,专注于与外交事务有关的问题. 

Mary Kamikazi '21

“I've always been interested in international relations, especially during my time at Centre,” Kamikazi said. “After graduating, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. 过了一段时间,我就能把它们放在一起了——我真的很喜欢在外交领域工作. 我在bwin体育的时候就想过,但我不知道怎么去那里. Then I landed on the Rangel Fellowship.” 

The Rangel International Affairs Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Howard University, 与外国服务奖学金一样享有盛誉,竞争激烈:2022年, the program awarded just 45 fellowships. This year, there were 1,267 applicants. 

In the summer of 2025, the U.S. Department of State will send her overseas to work in a U.S. Embassy or Consulate to get hands-on experience with U.S. foreign policy. Upon successful completion of the program, 神风敢死队将参加外交官员考试,并计划成为一名美国外交官.S. 在2026年夏天担任外交官,开始了兰格尔奖学金所描述的“one of the most challenging and rewarding careers of service. 她将致力于促进世界各地的和平、繁荣和人类尊严.”

“玛丽体现了兰格尔所寻找的:进入美国的强烈动机.S. 外交服务以及在研究生院和作为外交事务官员取得成功所必需的技能和才能,” said Robert Schalkoff, director of the office of fellowships at Centre. “Successful candidates, like Mary, 有海外经验和在美国的国际知名度.S., 在公共或企业部门实习或工作经验,并在学生时期或以后表现出对公共服务的奉献精神.”

神风子第一次来到bwin体育时,打算选生物学专业,后来又选择了医学院, but she quickly switched to international studies. 罗伯特·博斯科(Robert Bosco)和洛里·哈特曼(Lori Hartmann)等教授培养了神风队对这门学科的热爱, 在上海的海外经历巩固了她的热情——尤其是对外交关系的热情.

“Mary was an intellectually curious student in class; moreover, 她能够有效地将我们在课堂上学到的理论和材料与她作为非洲难民的生活经历结合起来,” Hartmann said. “In my African Politics class, 她提供了令人惊叹的见解和观点,丰富了讨论,帮助我们的国内学生更好地了解非洲大陆的历史和政治.”


神风子在bwin体育的完整经历-从出国留学到培养对国际研究的热爱和作为邦纳bwin体育的服务-描绘了理想的兰格尔研究员, Schalkoff said.

“玛丽是一个很好的例子,她充分利用了她在bwin体育的经历, both in and out of the classroom, 她也明白工作环境中的实际领导经验如何能帮助她进一步为在外交部门的职业生涯做好准备,” he said. 

During the interview, 神风kazi强调了她愿意抓住新的机会,融入她的社区——她的工作为她的研究领域打开了一扇门. 

“I was really excited to get the good news,” she said. “我认为兰格尔项目真的很喜欢我的各种背景. I’ve interned with refugee offices, 我曾在财务和运营部门工作过,我从不同的角度展示了我从中学到的东西.” 


“Dr. Hartmann and Dr. 博斯克真的让我对国际研究更好奇了,”她说. “Through their support and push, it prepared me to think of a career in the field, instead of just studying the subject. Dr. 沙尔科夫是一个很好的合作伙伴——他非常乐意在申请过程中帮助我.”



About the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program

The Rangel Program is a U.S. 美国国务院(Department of State)的一个项目,旨在提高美国教育体系的卓越性和多样性.S. Foreign Service. Begun in 2003, 兰格尔奖学金计划每年从全国各地选拔出表现出外交事务官员理想品质的杰出青年. Administered by Howard University, 兰格尔奖学金支持那些通过研究生院和专业发展活动被选中的人,为他们作为外交事务官员的职业生涯做好准备. With the academic, professional and financial support from the program, Fellows now serve as diplomats around the world, 为更多元化的代表和更有效的执行美国法律做出贡献.S. foreign policy. More information can be found online at 



鼓励有兴趣探索奖学金世界的学生与Robert Schalkoff联系 to start a conversation about their goals and passions. 该办公室还通过电子邮件分享从一年级学生到高年级学生的特定班级的机会信息.