Fulbright Top Producing institution adds three additional scholars

作者:Matt Overing


建在久负盛名的中央学院上 富布赖特顶级制作人 识别, the College is proud to announce that three students have been named Fulbright Scholars for 2024. 

山姆·亚当斯24岁(德国), Ali-Grace Fleeman ‘24 (西班牙) and 乔伊约翰逊 ‘23 (保加利亚) have each capitalized on Centre’s global approach to education and applied that learning to join the prestigious U.S. 国务院项目. 

“We’re very happy to celebrate the achievements and exciting futures that Sam, Ali-Grace, and Joey will have as Fulbright 英语助教s (ETAs),罗伯特·沙克夫说, bwin体育奖学金办公室主任. “It’s clear their study abroad experiences at Centre were a strong part of their motivation to pursue Fulbright. 我认为我们的建议和支持系统, including the individual mentoring all three students received from partner Fulbright Program Advisors Katrin Bahr and Mark Teshera as well as the Office of 奖学金, 也促成了他们的成功. I can’t wait to hear back from them about their experiences in 德国, 西班牙, and 保加利亚.”






Family was an important factor for 萨姆亚当斯 in his Fulbright application.

亚当斯在他的申请中说了很多——他的父亲, 本·亚当斯95年, 早年曾在Centre的伦敦项目中留学.

“He always said ‘If you have the opportunity, you have to live abroad,’” Sam said. “如果他知道我离开了那么久,也许他会改变他的答案.”

Sam充分利用了bwin体育著名的海外留学项目, noting a course in 德国 and the Federal archives as one memorable experience. He became intrigued by 德国 in high school, earning a fellowship through the 国会-联邦议院青年交流 (CBYX)项目.


“It was one of the languages offered at my high school, but it was the least popular,他说. “刚开始学的时候我觉得很奇怪, 但是我听说的那个项目, CBYX, 我在高中上了一年课, 当我出国后,情况突然变得非常严重.”

从那里, he was hooked — and he still stays in touch with his original host family in 德国 from years ago. 


“当然, studying German at Centre I got involved in studying its modern history, 政治, 激进主义和德国今天面临的问题,他说. “这真的让我很兴奋(富布赖特).”

山姆说他希望获得更多的专业经验, with the current plan to go to graduate school — potentially in 德国 — and then work in foreign service.

他也认可了bwin体育的教员, naming Assistant Professor of German Katrin Bahr and the College’s Fulbright committee, 对他的教育和成长很有帮助.

“富布赖特委员会的支持是惊人的,”他说. “We began more than a year out, meeting and talking about the requirements for the application. 有一个模拟面试. They involve you throughout the process, and I felt very supported and prepared. 

“我鼓励大家(在bwin体育)学习现代语言。, 尤其是德国, because I know the professors to be extremely supportive and caring. 他们是我能做到这一点的重要原因.”


Ali-Grace Fleeman




Study abroad experiences brought Ali-Grace Fleeman to Centre — and became her primary motivation for applying to the Fulbright Program.

Fleeman, 一个阿什维尔, 北卡罗来纳人,行为神经科学专业, highlighted four study abroad experiences that heavily influenced her Centre experience and Fulbright application.

“我开始读大二, 我还在欧洲和加纳上过课, 不丹和墨西哥,弗莱曼说. “And throughout all these experiences — especially a semester in Mexico studying global systems and sustainable development — I really started to think about global systems in a critical way, and that also intersected with my interest in psychology and emotional behavior. I really want to explore that from an educational perspective and look at how that system might look differently in other places.”

She’ll take that critical lens to 西班牙 as an 英语助教 (ETA), hoping to gain experience in a bilingual setting while learning more about the Spanish healthcare system.

 “I’m really interested to see how a different healthcare system operates in terms of accessibility and healthcare literacy,弗莱曼说. “我希望我回来的时候, I’ll bring with me an awareness to issues and have more of a critical lens and motivation to address issues here.”






Experiences abroad were key motivations for 乔伊约翰逊 to search for international postgraduate opportunities.

Naturally, Centre’s 识别 as a top-ranked study abroad college made his search a quick one.

“The chances I had to study abroad at Centre gave me the chance to experience so much that I never would have seen otherwise, and that made me want to pursue international opportunities after graduation,约翰逊说. “我一直想从事教育和教学工作, so being able to work in the classroom as an ETA (英语助教) made me even more excited to apply.”

约翰逊与保加利亚的关系是独一无二的. 一个罗利, 北卡罗莱纳, 主修人类学或社会学, Johnson deferred his admission at Centre to attend a year of public school in 保加利亚 through the State Department’s Kennedy-Lugar YES 在国外 program. He would later return for a summer internship with a refugee relocation nonprofit, 部分要感谢来自 林肯奖学金计划.

“申请保加利亚富布赖特项目让我很兴奋, because I wanted to go back to a place where I have friendships and community, 在那里我也有自己的学生经历,他说.

Johnson noted the encouragement from Centre’s Fulbright committee as instrumental in his success.

“Their preparation sessions in the summer and their advice throughout the fall really helped me put forward the best application I could have,他说.




Katrin Bahr,德语助理教授

Mark Teshera,生物学助理教授

罗伯特Schalkoff, 奖学金办公室主任, 国际研究助理教授