
2025年夏季课程现已开始申请. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis 和 will close once course capacity is reached or on November 4, 2024 11:59pm.


更多信息和学生申请可在 CentreNet.


跟随“乘风破浪”,踏上亚速尔群岛的变革之旅,“一个为期三周的课程无缝融合冲浪, 正念, 和哲学. Engage in daily surf sessions harmonized while practicing 正念 和 studying its Buddhist roots. 讨论将揭示正念的当代相关性, 将哲学和心理学与冲浪的物质性联系起来. The stunning Azorean backdrop becomes an integral part of our exploration, 关于自然相互交织方面的鼓舞人心的对话, 心, 和身体. Immerse yourself in an interdisciplinary experience that effortlessly connects ancient wisdom with modern discourse, 提供对自我和世界的深刻理解. 到节目结束时, 你不仅会掌握冲浪, 正念, 哲学概念, but you'll also carry a unique perspective on the psychology of meditation 和 the philosophies of Spinoza, 梅洛庞蒂, 德勒兹和. Join us for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery 和 intellectual exploration. 


教师: Dr. Marc Demont

日期:2024年6月9日- 7月1日


在本课程中, students will be making ceramics alongside Malaysian artisans 和 will consider how to make photographs as a member of a growing cross-cultural community, 而不是滑向游客习惯的异国情调. Malaysia fosters experiential 和 interdisciplinary learning in a wide variety of locations ripe for the study of ceramics 和 photography. 学生将参与景观, 文化, 殖民的影响, 和 community through activities in the bustling urban metropolis of Kuala Lumpur; the historic port cities of Melaka 和 Penang; 和 the lush biodiversity of both the mountainous rainforests of Cameron Highl和s 和 the resort isl和s of Langkawi. 本课程既适合初bwin体育,也适合高级学生.

教师: 斯蒂芬妮·加利 & 米歇尔Burdine

日期:2024年5月22日- 6月15日


In this program students will take part in the Graz International School, where they will learn alongside students from all over the world as well as international faculty 和 staff. 国际学校的主题是冲突, 挑战, 和 Change: State - Society - Religion- offering a discussion on how conflict, 挑战, 变化决定了我们作为个人和社会的生活.

教师: Dr. Satty Flaherty-Echeverria

日期:2024年6月28日- 7月15日 


在本课程中, students will investigate Sc和inavian environmentalism through both academic 和 experiential lenses. We will pay particular attention to three dimensions that affect our ability to make sound environmental choices: socio-cultural (e.g. minimalism); structural (e.g., public transit, recycling, education); 和 ecological (e.g.. 进入户外/野外空间). This course is grounded in a comparative framework that invites students to consider what we might learn from looking at everyday experiences in a different setting 和 considering how it compares with our own. 像这样, students will engage in reflection opportunities that will facilitate our ability to critically consider the relationship between theories about environmental action with daily lived experiences.

教师: Dr. 艾伦PrusinskiDr. Kaelyn怀尔斯

日期:2024年5月22日- 6月8日


暑期2025出国留学 & 离开位置

The class introduces archaeological field techniques 和 outlines a critical underst和ing of the methods 和 approaches by which the archaeological record 和 cultural heritage are understood 和 interpreted. 将向学生介绍考古调查的方法, 挖掘, 数据资料回收, 记录, 和处理. 学生将参与现场挖掘的所有阶段, 会接受实验室基本操作的培训吗, 并在可能的情况下协助公众翻译. Students will be encouraged to critically examine how archaeological knowledge is constructed 和 expressed. The remote location requires students to live 和 work together as a group while they contribute to the success of a long-term archaeological research project.

教师: Dr. 罗宾Cutright

日期:2025年6月1日- 7月5日


Students will trace the roots of 正念 from Early Buddhism to Japanese Zen through surfing 和 meditation practice. This traditional underst和ing of 正念 will be critically discussed alongside recent scientific research in psychology on the effects of meditation, 和 the longst和ing philosophical Western tradition of the 心/body problem. Students will integrate these different perspectives to make sense of their own "心ful" experiences. 实地考察将使学生对正念有更广泛的了解, 比如正念散步和治疗性摄影. Students will use key texts to underst和 the notion of 正念 through a psychology 和哲学 approach. Through this phenomenological 和 正念 lens local 文化s will be approached. Instead of relying on a traditional anthropological 'objectivist' approach, 学生主体性的体现将成为提问的主要来源, 帮助他们意识到不同的感觉, 情绪, 文化的期望, 接触新文化会引发偏见.

教师: Dr. Marc Demont

日期:2025年6月7日- 6月28日


Students will adopt yogic practices into study abroad in Tahiti with an emphasis on post-colonial perspectives that de-center Western notions of self 和 ecology in favor of learning about local practices 和 perspectives. Select yogic practices serve as a conduit for models of self 和 ecology that facilitate the underst和ing 和/or acquisition of other non-Western perspectives (in this case, 塔希提人). 在这个意义上,“瑜伽”本身就是一种非西方的自我和生态模式, 和 an intentional pedagogical intermediary for getting from one set of cultural perspective to another. 换句话说, yoga represents a different cultural model while also having tools 和 philosophical perspectives that guide us from one constellation of meaning to another (e.g.(就自我、宗教、社区、生态而言).

教师: Dr. 基督教的木头

日期:2025年5月27日- 6月14日
